A Hand Up to Homeownership

About the Program

A Hand Up to Homeownership is our Home Buyer Savings Program aimed to support and educate home buyers in SWLA!

If chosen

You will participate in a series of classes that will assist you through the homeownership process while giving you real-world solutions to real-world problems. You will be partnered with a Certified Financial Counselor who will guide you through the process and help you create a plan to save $1,000 for your future home over a maximum period of 90 days.

Upon completion

Southwest Louisiana Credit Union will match your saved funds 5:1 to create a total of $6,000 for you to put towards your future home!

Eligible Areas Map

Interested? Check out the requirements and apply today!

*If applying on a mobile device, simply use your “markup” tool to fill out then save the application and email to mlacombe@swlacu.com.